How to Help us

Any Volunteers are always welcome by appointment only. All Volunteers will have a chance to be with animals even if there placement is doing something else. Volunteers under the age of 16 will need an adult with them. We are more than happy to help you will volunteer hours for schools or organizations. Please contact us at-

If you have an item that we maybe interested in please reach out to use at

Sponsor animal!!!

Mini horses

Dolly, Cherokee, Moonpie, CJ, Jema, and Daisy all work incredibly hard at their jobs. They put their heart and soul into teach kids and adult alike as well as bring smiles to those in need. Their care is simply but still added up from hay, vet care, hooves care and the their equipment for each to complete their job such as anti slip shoes for the minis going into buildings, vest, poop bags, halters, leads, and educational equipment they could always use help making sure they have everything they need!


As cute as they are the goats often bring giggles to the farm! Blu, Tank, Itsy Bitsy, Fruity, Pebbles, Rebel, Jasmine, Salt, Pepper, Donkey, Dunkin, Spider pig and Eclipse are the goat crew. Jasmine enjoys teach the kids about milking goats. While rest loves teach patience and courage to kids and adult like. Just like the stereotype the goats are always causing trouble. Which means a lot of fence repairs and toys/ stimulation for them! They also love new toys so they they have something to do instead of getting bored


Its rare that we get sheep but the two we have are residents

Dreamer came in with the goat Blu they were the first rescue. She is a hair sheep that was tore away from her mother at just a few days old and left to starve until we found her with Blu at an animal swap. We purchases both in hopes of saving them. Weak and all she fought threw it and is now the sassy boss lady of whichever pen she is in

Flounder is also a hair sheep. He came to us from a family that was looking for a new home for him and though peachy farms would be the place. He came to us with epilepsy that we managed to control with CBD. Soon after coming here he lost his ear after a seizure that got him caught in a fence. He is now the spokes sheep for Disabled kids at the farm


The amount of poultry that comes and goes threw our coop is INSANE. Roosters, hens, chicks, ducks, geese and whatever else we open with open arms. AT most we have had 46 roosters due to not allowing them in the city. We open our coops up to any in need. We feed around 50 pounds of poultry food a day! The roosters will crow, the geese will honk and the hens may just lay from excitement for your support


Mini pigs are another high dropped off item. Mostly mini pigs with owners that didnt realize that mini pigs get as big as they do!Zydie is our amazing educational and therapy pig. Penelopig and Greta are working on learning to build trust while looking for there forever home


So soft and so lovable! Fan favorites for sure! Marshmallow, CB, Preston, Dottie and Riot have allowed kids to be able to handle these amazing creatures and learn about how to handle their fiber. The special people get to have an alpaca visit them in their rooms in nursing homes by these amazing creatures!


We get these guys rarely but when we do they come in with major health issues most of the time.

Jigsaw is our mini cow that was donated to use for our therapy program. He enjoys making people jaw drop at his size. He makes elders squeal as he walks in their rooms!

Besty is a very large Holstein that we rescued at the auction too weak to stand and was very under weight. She will be teaching kids about dairy cows and helping everyone fall in love with these large farm animals